2025 Positions
There will be lots of positions open in the 2025 Municipal, and now is a great time to start if you're considering running. You can read more about these bodies and what they do in our Local Government Guide. The municipal election will be April 1, 2025.
Milton Township (2025-2029)
Supervisor (Part Time; $61,590 + medical & IMRF pension)
CEO and Chair of the Township; accounting, legal, or corporate background is best
4x Trustees (Part Time; $6,000)
Milton Township is governed by 8 elected officials, including 4 Trustees and Supervisor who control the budget
Assessor (Full Time; $123,816 + medical & IMRF pension)
assess property values of Lisle Township; assessing and real estate background is best
Clerk (Part Time; $24,000)
keep and maintain the Township records.
Highway Commissioner (Full Time; $112,572 + medical & IMRF pension)
Maintenance of the 50 miles of unincorporated roads; road construction and engineering background is best
Wheaton (2025-2029)
4x City Council (Part Time; No compensation)
exercise policy-making and legislative powers of the City, including adopting ordinances and resolutions, approving the City’s annual budget and enacting tax levies
2x Park District Board (Part Time; No compensation)
Governing body for the Park District Facilities within the district, including Cosley Zoo, Arrowhead, 50+ public parks and more.
School Board CUSD200 (2025-2029)
4x School Board (Part Time; No compensation)
The school board consists of 7 members and is the governing bodies for CUSD200. The board is a policy-making body and adopts and monitors the school district budget, develops and approves district policies, and hires the district superintendent.
COD District 502 (2025-2031)
2x COD Board (Part Time; No compensation)
The College of DuPage Board of Trustees comprises 7 publicly elected trustees and one non-voting student trustee. The Board is the final authority over COD and is responsible for the development and adoption of COD's policies, oversight of the activities of the college and exercises jurisdiction in all matters of the College and its mission.